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Area Industrial PMArea Industrial PMArea Industrial PM
(+52) 2222402834 & 2222253553
Puebla, Mexico
Area Industrial PMArea Industrial PMArea Industrial PM



CAPEX & PROGRAM MANAGEMENT CAPEX Design and Supervision for CAPEX Projects. DELIVERED IN THE FOLLOWING PHASES PRECONSTRUCTION 0% ENGINEERING 0% PROCUREMENT 0% CONSTRUCTION 0% MAINTAINANCE 99% CAPEX & PROGRAM MANAGEMENT CAPEX & OPEX Program Management for CAPEX & Project Projects. Technical support, design and supervision for critical CAPEX and OPEX…
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CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Construction Supervision Full Construction Management Services. Construction Oversight and subcontractors Monitoring. DELIVERED IN THE FOLLOWING PHASES PRECONSTRUCTION 0% ENGINEERING 0% PROCUREMENT 0% CONSTRUCTION 99% MAINTAINANCE 0% CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Owner’s Rep Construction Representation at Site for Construction Audits DELIVERED IN THE FOLLOWING PHASES PRECONSTRUCTION 0% ENGINEERING 0% PROCUREMENT 0%…
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PROCUREMENT Prequalifications Technical, Legal & Financial Subcontractor’s Screens. DELIVERED IN THE FOLLOWING PHASES PRECONSTRUCTION 0% INGENIERÍA 0% PROCUREMENT 99% CONSTRUCTION 99% MAINTAINANCE 99% PROCUREMENT Bidding Process Procurement Support for Biddings process. RFP definitions, and Bidding Process Coordination. Integration of Bid Packages and Documents. DELIVERED IN THE FOLLOWING PHASES PRECONSTRUCTION 0%…
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ENGINEERING Engineering Conceptual. Basic & Detailed Design fro Core & Shell and Critical & Back Utilities for any type of Industrial Facility DELIVERED IN THE FOLLOWING PHASES PRECONSTRUCTION 0% ENGINEERING 99% PROCUREMENT 0% CONSTRUCTION 0% MAINTAINANCE 0% ENGINEERING Owner’s Engineers Technical Assistant Representation & Technical Audits for Design DELIVERED IN…
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PRE-CON CONSULTING Master Plan Master Plan Development and Infrastructure Assessment. Early Cost Estimate according International parameters. DELIVERED IN THE FOLLOWING PHASES PRECONSTRUCTION 99% INGENIERÍA 0% PROCUREMENT 0% CONSTRUCTION 0% MAINTAINANCE 0% PRE-CON CONSULTING Pre-Con Services Analysis for Construction System Evaluation. Conceptual Design, Master Plan, Master Schedule & Early Cost Estimates.…
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(10am - 05 pm)