Welcome to our wep page
Area Industrial PMArea Industrial PMArea Industrial PM
(+52) 2222402834 & 2222253553
Puebla, Mexico
Area Industrial PMArea Industrial PMArea Industrial PM

We are a high technical qualified team

Area Industrial is an Engineering and Project Management firm specialized in the industrial, retail & logistic sector. We have a high talented and specialized team with more tan 25 years of experience delivering projects in Mexico and LATAM.


We specialize in:


  • Food & Beverage
  • Pharma
  • Automotive
  • Logistics
  • Consumer Products
  • Industrial Parks
  • Build to Suit (BTS)
  • TIs improvements


  • Data centers
  • Call centers
  • Labs
  • Health Care Facilities


  • Stores
  • Distributions Centers
  • Shopping Malls


  • Corporate
  • High Rise Buildings
  • Hospitality
Our Mission Our Vision Our Philosophy
To be the most reliable and best technical project delivery firm for Industrial, Retail & Infrastructure sector in Mexico and LATAM.
To be a company with high technical value for our clients, being agile with consistency and technical capacity within a framework of honesty and integrity.
Perform our services within a technically high value for our clients in a humane, consistent, agile way and under our values of Honesty and Integrity.

We are the technical strenght for our customers

Always first

Our Values


We value our team and focus on stepforward to build a solid company for future employees and society.


We carry out our projects with excellence, continuously improving in a safe environment.


We are upright and honest, we carry out our projects in a transparent and ethical way.

Client Focus

We are dedicated to our clients, we are empathetic and we seek the same objectives in the development of their projects.


We respect all people, their ideas and their cultures and preferences creating an optimal work environment.


We keep our word and agreements being supportive of our clients and team.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)